Fresh roasted coffee straight from the roastery without a hassle of ordering every time. This is a great way to get into specialty coffee, since we have wide variety of coffees (25-30). In addition, you get some loyalty discount. Our subscription is really flexible, so you can customize it to fit your coffee needs. You can choose for your subscription: Type of coffees you like, amount, grind degree and delivery frequency every 1-6 weeks. It is possible to modify your subscription from your account or you can contact us and we modify it. Once you order, you will get e-mail where is a link to subscription account to modify it. We will deliver the coffee asap (might take a week due to roasting and delivery times). Please notice that you can not order specific coffees with these subscriptions. When ordering several bags like (200g+200g), we send different coffees by default. After two deliveries you are able to cancel your order at anytime. Remember to write reviews of your favorite coffees so we know to send you them more frequently.
IMPORTANT. If following statement are applicable to your order, please copy paste following statements to "Special instructions for seller".
- Only organic coffees
- Only coffees suitable for espresso
- Start date dd.mm.yyyy (if you wish to start subscription later)
- Send same coffee (when ordering multiple bags such as 200g+200g)
- Posti's pick-up location xxxx (Coffees are sent to closest pick-up location by default, but if it is important to receive them somewhere else, write it)
If you want to order subscription as a gift, write receivers address as shipping address. You can write in instructions if you want to send some note for the receiver.
Orders of 400g and under will be delivered to your home as Posti's small parcel through your mailbox. Orders 500g and over will be delivered to your nearest Posti's pick-up location.
Olemme pääsääntöisesti tilanneet " vähäpaahtoista " kahvia, johon olemme olleet oikein tyytyväisiä ja sen vuoksi olimme yllättyneitä, että tummempikin kahvi oli tosi hyvää ja jopa "aromaattisempaa" kuin vaaleapaahto.
Tilauksessa 2x200g. Kahvit paahdettu 12.6., lähetys kolahti postiluukusta 13.6. Tästä ei paljon helpommaksi tuoreen kahvin nauttimisessa pääse!
Ainoa miinus, että postimaksu on 50% yhden 200g pussin hinnasta, niin ei raaski yhden pussin tilauksia tehdä. Tämä ei toki varsinaisesti Inka Paahtimon vika ole, mutta valitettavasti vaikuttaa kokonaisuuteen.
Poikkeuksetta todella maukkaita kahveja. Vaimo ei pidä anaerobisista mutta itselle nämä ovat kaikki maistuneet. Yleensä lähetyksestä löytyy sekä aamukahviksi sopivia että iltapäiväksi sopivia kahveja. Töissä ei saa kunnon kahvia niin aamuisin ja iltapäivisin on päivän parhaat hetket laatukahvin kanssa. Annan kahvin jäähtyä hetken jotta maut pääsee parhaiten esiin.